Every once in awhile you get a vehicle that has had too many hands working on it. This 1992 Toyota Celica was one of them.
This Toyota was brought to us with a rough running issue. The vehicle also just had an used engine installed. When I took this car for a test drive, it definitely had a low power issue.The car barely idled let alone start. Going down the road it wasn’t to bad, but fell on its’ face when accelerating. I then checked for codes. There was a MAP sensor code and a few others. I opened the hood to find a cobbled together mess. On my visual inspection I found that the O2 sensors signal wire was crimped together with it’s ground shielding wire. The stereo amp’s power cable had a washer for a fuse. There were also many vacuum lines cracked or disconnected. While trying to find the MAP sensor for further
testing, I realized
that it wasn’t even installed. The plug in was just hanging and the vacuum feed was capped off. Getting the MAP sensor installed and O2 sensor wire made this vehicle driveable, but it needed a lot of TLC to get it back to 100%.
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I am so excited to see someone with at least part of the problems I am dealing with! I got a 93 Celica GT convertible to fix up. It also had a salvaged motor dropped in recently. It appears to be the same 2200 2.2L engine. Mine has a automatic transmission.Could you please give some more information on hose routes for the MAP sensor? I dont think the persona or people that dropped the motor in it remebered where the vacuum hoses and some other stuff. Also, maybe you can help me with vacum hose routes to and from the VSV. I dont mean to ask too much of you, but the plug and wires for the VSV are also MIA. So if you can point me in the right direction as to where the wire might have gotten tucked away, that would be great too. Please help?
Travis Dewitz
Look at the emissions label under the hood. That should provide the vacuum hose routing for you.
Nicole Permenter
Could you possibly provide a picture of your emissions label? Mine is not there anymore.
Travis Dewitz
I don’t have a photo of that. You can find them on Alldata.
John Ditr
I have a ’92 Celica, 2.2L. Original O2 sensor plug is long gone. Signal wire is spliced to sensor, ground shielding wire is just hanging. What do I do with the shielding wire? Thanks.
Travis Dewitz
Just leave it. It should be grounded at the other end.
I have a 93 toyota celica. It idols fine. Put it in gear it spits and sputters. I can’t finger what’s wrong.
Kerry My Coppins
I have a 1993 yota 5speed convertible was running fine had it aiding and it died out now it won’t start can you tell me something please
I had some issues similar. There’s a ground wire on intake manifold on drives side kinda. Way below throttle body. Mine was loose so all kinds of intermittent problems
Jennifer Brooks
I have a 1992 celuca St with 1.6 it idles at 1100 rpm when I accelerate it acts like it don’t have enough power climbing hills And especially from 0 to 30 mph it just acts like it’s hesitating not like it’s going to stall just slow on accelerate and by the way it shifts through the gears great
Hello, did anyone figure out where the vacuum hoses from the back of the throttle body goes to? I have a 1992 Celica GT, with 2.2L 5SFE engine.